AAGC ASKS: Candice Kumai

Writer, Journalist, Chef & 6x Bestselling Author
Kintsugi Wellness available now!
What makes you undefinable?
Candice: As a pioneer, I choose to break every rule necessary + never follow. I only create original and meaningful, content.
What is your self care routine and how important is it to your well being?
Sleep 8 hours
Bar method
Respect my family, elders, work, respect myself
Hold myself to a golden standard
Keep all standards with work as high as possible
Work with only grit and integrity
"Ganbatte" always do your best in Japanese
Honour who I am and where I come from
Take meetings only with those who bring plus value
Hit every deadline possible
Hold and honour my body as a temple
Pray for others
Reflect on the day
Bathe well, like a Japanese Goddess at an onsen
Date whomever I want, whenever.
Eat a delish dinner respect every meal
Sleep well + honour myself
In the end all that really matters is letting go of what's not meant for you + being of devotionally, selfless work for others and leading a life full of grace.
You are constantly on the go. How do you balance being an entrepreneur, traveling, running a company and still finding time for yourself?
I have really incredible friends + parents. .. I truly am inspired by them... mom, dad, sis, Steph, Courts, Dana, Meeshie... they hold the biggest place in my heart... Bar method class is also my secret weapon.
I also really love my friend Dr Jess's vitamins they keep me in check and my matcha love tea every AM. I run two corporations now, from NY to LA and Tokyo... so my work life has doubled.. but I've also become a bi-coastal girl, so I appreciate surfing as much as I do NYC night-life.
With travel -- this is amazing as I'm writing and creating content for some of my top dream publications//networks now (will announce on my social) like stuff I used to dream about.. I take my job very seriously... I honour my work ... I work only with gold standards.. I don't accept any less, not from myself either.. I respect myself and the work of those I choose to collaborate with .. I work only with integrity and grace....
This goes for work travel and writing//shooting abroad.. I just don't waver on things... I'm the real deal in my space.. former magazine editor, author of six books, paid my way through culinary school, cooked on the line going broke, then.. was a model for over 15 years .. learned to hustle young... worked as a writer, barely made rent in Brooklyn.. had to hustle like a boss to survive.. and then eventually after years of hard work, tv hosting, all the branding deals, the judging on Iron Chef, that all came with time.
When I come to play, I do like to play in my league -- but only because I worked and earned my right to be in this lane. Every girl should focus on quality over numbers. This game on social isn't about numbers, it’s about your self-worth when the battery dies. Show me something great off these apps and then I'll be impressed. Humility is a dying attribute, so I deeply cherish it where I can find it.
For more from Candice, follow her at @candicekumai.