AAGC ASKS: Asha Patel

Jewelry designer and owner of Asha Patel Designs.
Photo by Amy Hunsinger
What makes you undefinable?
Asha: I wear many hats, I think the ability to not define any one particular role in life makes the journey that much more interesting.
You have such a fascinating story. Can you tell us a little bit about your journey to becoming an entrepreneur?
I was born in London to Indian parents, so my design palate — think, traditional eastern heirlooms and customs set against a modern, western backdrop — infinitely rich, too.
Despite loving art and fashion from an early age, I knew way better than to announce to my parents that that was going to be my lot in life! I followed an interest in science and trained as a pharmacist, so when I hear my pieces described as “harmonious” and “balanced”, I know that my left-brain, right-brain life path has made my work better for it.
Photo by Thu Tran, @thulegit
The process of launching Asha Patel Designs was part heart and part strategy, too. First, gifting pieces to friends and loved ones, then eventually, moving to an online presence. Today, I’m grateful that that process led to true brand love.
I aim to strike a balance behind what’s modern to the eye and what’s timeless in our souls: pieces featuring age-old symbols and materials, that happen to also layer beautifully (and powerfully) into modern life. I’m most proud when people integrate my work into their own spiritual and self-love practices — whether that be through yoga or simply reaching for them throughout their days as a way to center themselves — and share back to me that they’ve gotten better and better at listening to what’s inside because of it.
Photo by Thu Tran, @thulegit
What are your self care rituals?
Taking care of myself involves three important pillars - nutrition, sleep and exercise.
1) Much of my time, when I’m not crafting or designing jewelry, is spent preparing home cooked meals. Cooking is definitely a labor of love but I find it quite therapeutic.
2) I’ve always been one who enjoys going to sleep; couple that with being married to a sleep physician who reminds me of the adverse effects associated poor sleep hygiene.
3) I’m not a hard core exerciser but stay true to the mantra “slow and steady wins the race”. I aim for some form of cardio, 30 minutes daily. I also try to meditate everyday.
Check out Asha's top 3 beauty tips!
For more from Asha, follow her at @ashapateldesigns.